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Plant trees when you search the web

There's a search engine call Ecosia and it's different. Firstly it's totally transparent, publishing monthly finance reports and showing exactly where profits go and how they plough money and resources back into the environment.

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#FridaysForFuture - 20th September 2019

Submarine continues to highlight local environmental concerns and support this through the personal choices our staff make. Civil action for climate change will take place across the globe on 20th & 27th September 2019 and Guernsey is no exception. 

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Nerds? Desk Jockeys? Think again.

Is it true that techies and graphic designers like nothing better than to sit on their computers for 12 hours a day? And when they are not doing this, that they are on a games console defending the cosmos? Not quite. Meet action man Alex Bush.

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Have you landed here from a web search?

Submarine are a technical and creative solutions provider based on the island of Guernsey near the French coast. Our field of operation is generally the Channel Islands although we do service clients with wider operations within Europe.